Alamgir Khan
Gomal University, Pakistan
Meiyan Yang
South China Agricultural University, China
Marijana Acanski
Universitas Studiorum Neoplantensis, Serbia
Grazyna Bortnowska
West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland
Abdelazim Sayed Abdelazim Abdellatif
Food Technology Research Institute, Egypt
Dr. Bharathi
JNTU Ananthapur, India
Dr. Ahmed Tabbabi
Monastir University, Tunisia
Chantell Witten
North-West University , South Africa
Mr. Hacı Ömer YILMAZ
Gümüşhane University, Turkey
Mr. Saeed Paidari
Islamic Azad university, Department of food science and Technology
Dr. Jyoti D. Vora
Department of Biochemistry and Food ScienceUniversity of Bombay Biochemistry, India
Ms. Kimia Moiniafshari
Department of sport nutritionIslamic Azad University, Iran
Dr.Kaur Sandeep
Department of Agriculture& Food TechnologyMaharishi Markandeshwar University, Sadopur,Haryana, India
Dr. Oluwatoyin Oluwole
Department of Food TechnologyFederal Institute of Industrial Research, Nigeria
Dr. Sanitarian Raimi Morufu Olalekan
Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Clinical SciencesNiger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Nigeria
Dr. Osama Abd El-Hamid Ibrahim
Department of Dairy SciencesNational Research Centre, Egypt
Dr. Mehmet akif OZCAN
Department of NutritionBolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey
Dr. Edwina Raj
Department of DietaryAster Hospital as Senior Dietitian, India
Dr. Ahmed I Ismail
Public Health and Health InformaticsMajmaah University, College of Applied Medical Sciences, KSA
Dr. Freweini Gebrearegay Tela
MPH in public health NutritionMekelle University, Ethiopia
Dr. Rushikesh Mane
Department of Food TechnologyVasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, (Agricultural University) Parbhani, Maharashtra, India
Dr. Rasha Sabeeh Ahmed
Department of physiologe and medical physicsal-nahrain University, Iraq
Dr. Ionel BONDOC
Department of Veterinary science and Public HealthUniversity of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi, Romania
Dr. Nooshin Noshirvani
Department of Food Science and TechnoloyUniversity of Bu-Ali Sina, Iran
Dr. Diaconeasa Zorita
Department of Food Science and NutritionUniversity of Agriculture science and Veterinary medicine, Romania
Dr. Aakriti Gupta
Department of Public Health NutritionAll India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Dr. Yu-Lan Chiang
Department of NutritionLoma Linda University, California, USA
Mr. Ramanjeet Singh Toor
Department of Agriculture and Food science TechnologyUniversity Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Chandigarh University, Punjab, India
Dr. Surabhi Sharma
Department of Food TechnologyUniversity Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Punjab, India
Dr. Hamdy Abdel-Hady Zahran
Department of Fats and Oils National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt
Mr. Albert Doughan
Department of Animal NutritionKwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
Dr. HAMZAT Rasheed Adedayo
Department of Animal ScienceUniversity of Ibadan, Nigeria
Dr. Seyed Amir Oleyaei
Department of Food Science & TechnologyFerdowsi University of Mashhad- Mashhad, Iran
Department of Science and TechnologyIbn Zohr University, Morocco
Dr. Felipe de Lima FRANZEN
Department of Food and NutritionState University of Campinas, Brazil
Ms. Beauty Akter
Department of Food Technology and Nutritional ScienceMawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Bangladesh
Dr. Vinayaka. A. M
Department of Nutrition And Health EducationIndira Gandhi national open university, India
Dr. Alexandrescu Daniela Cristiana
Department of Environmental Engineering and Food ScienceValahia University of Targoviste, Romania
Dr.Anna Stolecka-Warzecha
Nutrition and supplementationsAcademy of Physical Education in Katowice, Poland
Dr. Nwakoro Onyinyechi
Department of Food Science and TechnologyObafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria
Dr. Shaker E
Department of BiochemistryMinia University, Egypt
Dr. Meifang Chen
Department of Public HealthCalifornia State University, USA
Dr. Mahmoud H. Abu Ghoush
Department of Food ScienceThe Hashemite University, Jordan
Dr. Pradeepa Shayamale Jayasinghe
Department of Food Science and TechnologyNational Aquatic Resource Research and Development Agency(NARA), Srilanka
Mr. Ajit Kumar Singh
Department of Food TechnologyHarcourt Butler Technical University, India
Ayesha Mushtaq
Department of Food and Nutrition SciencesMirpur University Of Science & Technology, Pakistan
Dr. Hasan S.A. Jawad
Department of Animal ProductionUniversity of Baghdad, Iraq
Dr. Victor Devasirvadam
Department of NursingLNCT University, India
Dr. Mahdieh
Depatment of Food Science and TechnologyIslamic Azad University, Iran
Dr. Nadezhda Petkova
Department of Organic ChemistryUniversity of Food Technologies, Bulgaria
Dr. Ajit Kumar Saxena
Department of Pathology and Health scienceAll India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Dr. Binarwan Halim
Department of Obstetric & GynaecologyUSU Medan, Indonesia
Dr. Abhinav Srivastava
Department of Environment And Public HealthL.N. Mithila University, India
Dr. Sneha Navin
Diabetes EducatorMohan’s Diabetes Education Academy, India
Dr. Emma Rochima
Department Food Science Program in Functional FoodPadjadjaran Bandung Indonesia, Indonesia
Ms. Habiba ELKAOUI
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science IBN tofail university, Morocco
Ms. Maryam Habibi Zarabadi
Department of Food ScienceIsfahan University of Technology, Iran
Dr. Özlem KAŞTAN
Department of Medical Services and Technical Dialysis ProgramAkdeniz University Health Services Vocational School, Turkey
Dr. Helen Weldemichael
Department of Chemical and bioengineering under food Engineering streamAddis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Dr. Karin J. Opacich
Department of Health Policy & AdministrationUniversity of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Dr. Anye Delphine Tangoh
Faculty of Health SciencesUniversity of Buea, Cameroon
Dr. Ayse Demirbas
Department of Seafood Processing and TechnologyRecep Tayyip Erdogan University, Turkey
Dr. Daniyah Abdullah AlKhawtani
Clinical DietitianPrince Sultan Military Medical City, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Afrozul Haq
Department of Food TechnologyJamia Hamdard University, India
Ms. Kinoti I. Ndubi
Department of Food Science and NutritionJomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Dr. Muhammad Farooq
PhD Scholar: Food Safety and NutritionNorthwest Agriculture Forestry University, China
Dr. Diana Noland
Department of Public Health NutritionLoma Linda University, California
Dr. Vasudha Sharma
Assistant Professor of Food TechnologySchool of Interdisciplinary Science & Technology, Jamia Hamdard (A Government-aided Deemed University), India
Dr. Tochie Noutakdie Yves Joel
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree, Faculty of Health SciencesUniversity of Buea, Cameroon
Mrs. Arshiya Shamim
Asst Prof & Research Scholar, Faculty of PharmacyIntegral University, India
Dr. Ionel BONDOC
Department of Public HealthUniversity of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi, Romania
Dr. Seyedeh Nasim Habibzadeh
PhD in Sport and Biomechanics science, School of health and social careTeesside University, UK
Dr. Shakira Ghazanfar
(Animal Probiotic Specialist), PhD Microbiology, Senior Scientific OfficerNational Institute for Genomics and Advanced Biotechnology, NARC, Pakistan
Dr. Ian James Martins
Department of Anti-Aging, Global Health and Chronic DiseaseCentre of Excellence for Alzheimer's Disease Research and Care Sarich Neuroscience Research Institute, Australia
Dr. Bashetti Srilatha
Faculty of MedicineSaveetha University, India
Dr. Anto Cordelia Tanislaus Antony Dhanapal
Faculty of ScienceUniversiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
Dr. Khin Phyu Phyu
Department of Medical ResearchNational poison Control Centre, Myanmar
Dr. Md. Illias K. Sheikh
International Institute for Population SciencesMinistry of Health and Family Welfare, India
Dr. Rosmarlhy Escobar G
Nutrition Studies Management (GEN)National Institute of Nutrition of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (INN), USA
Dr. Abeer Al-Baho
Director of Health Promotion DepartmentKuwait University, Kuwait
Dr. Ogori Akama frida
Department of Home Science and ManagementFederal University Gashua, Nigeria
Ms. Godwin Anyim
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyObafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria
Dr. Fatma Coskun
Faculty of Agriculture, Food Engineering DepartmentTekirdag Namık Kemal University, Turkey
Michael Boateng
Department of Animal ScienceKwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
Dr. Michael U. Ukwuru
Department of Food Science and TechnologyFederal Polytechnic, Idah, Kogi State, Nigeria
Ibironke Samson Ishola
Department of Food Science and TechnologyObafemi Awolowo University,Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Ms. Ridhima Bhalla
Senior Researcher, Post Graduate in Public Health and Nutrition, University of DelhiMcCann Health, India
Chim Chay
Department of Food ScienceUniversity of the Philippines Los Banos, Philippines
Dr. Shiamala Devi Ramaiya
Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agricultural and Food SciencesUPM Bintulu Sarawak Campus, Malaysia
Dr. Hasan S.A. Jawad
Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering SciencesUniversity of Baghdad, Iraq
Dr. Carolyn YL loong-Lim
Faculty of Applied SciencesUCSI University Kuala Lumpur (South Wing), Malaysia
MS. Amanda Beatriz Sales de LOMA
Master student in Food Engineering and Science – UESB, Food Engineer - UFCGAmanda Beatriz Sales from Lima, Brazil
Dr. Ingrida KraujutienÄ—
Head of the Food Technology DepartmentKaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Dr. Benhalima Lamia
Lecturer at Agro-food industry technologyThe Université de Guelma, Algeria
Dr. Abiona Oluseye Oladapo
Phd in Food Quality Control & AssuranceFederal University of Agriculture, Nigeria
Dr. Farhan Mohiuddin Bhat
Department of Food Engineering and TechnologySant Longwol Institute of Engineering and Technology, India
Dr. Natisha Dukhi
Department of Public HealthUniversity of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Dr. Reyhan Irkin
Health Science Faculty, Department of Nutrition and DieteticsIzmir Democracy University, Turkey
Dr. Gabriel Olaniran Adegoke
Department of Food TechnologyUniversity of Ibadan, Nigeria
Dr. Kouakou Egnon K.V
Nutrition Health Behavior, Researcher in NutritionUniversity of Félix Houphouët, West Africa
Mr. Yoonis Dayr Mohamed
Department of Public Health Major NutritionNorth South University, Bangladesh
Prof. Jan Jacques Michiels
Department of Nature Medicine and healthGood heart Insitute, Netherlands
Dr. Abdulrahman Saeed Awadh Alqahtani
Department of Health Education SpecialistKing Khalid University, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Simona Gabrielli
Department of Public Health and Infectious DiseasesSapienza University of Rome, Italy
Dr. Ramashia Shonisani Eugenia
Department of Agriculture (Food Science & Technology)University of Venda, South Africa
Dr. Vikas Kaushal
Department of Community Medicine (Public Health)Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Dr. Siloyde Rivas
Department of Health and Nutrition ConsultantNational StatisticalInstitute, Venezuela
Dr. Pratik Pokharel
Department of Public HealthUniversity of Sheffield, UK
Dr. Feby Luckose
Department of Food ScienceBharathiar University, India
Dr. Shahandokht Najmabadi
Department of Community Medicine University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Ms. Taghreed Hamza Hawsawi
Master in NursingKing Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Dhary Alewy Al-mashhadany
Faculty of ScienceKnowledge University, Iraq
Dr. Ariunaa Khasbazar
Doctor of MedicineMongolian National University of Medical Sciences, Mongolia
Dr. Egnon k v Kouakou
Researcher in NutritionHealth at Felix Houphouët University Boigny Abidjan , West Africa
Mr. Venâncio Merique Nhavoto
Master of Fisheries Science in the TropicsFederal University of Amazon, Brazil
Dr. Svjetlana Maric
Faculty of Dental Medicine and HealthUniversity of Osijek, Croatia
Dr. Sara Cetin Sanlialp
Department of CardiologyServergazi State Hospital, Turkey
Ms. Rachna Chhachhi
Nutritional TherapistHolistic Cancer Coach, India
Dr. Azza Abdul Hafiz Aly Al Areefy
Department Faculty of Home EconomicsJazan University, Saudi Arabia
Prof. Dr. Zamzam Paknahad
Faculty of Nutrition & Food SciencesIsfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Dr. Gamil El-Sayed Ibrahim Ramdan
Faculty of Agriculture, Ph. D. (Food Science and Technology)Ain Shams University, Egypt
Dr. Shruti Puri
Department of Food ScienceAssistant Professor of MCM, DAV College for Women, India
Dr. Attapon Cheepsattayakorn
Ministry of Public HealthDepartment of Disease Control, Thailand
Dr. Bello Liman
Department of Public Health ServicesZamfara State Ministry of Health, Nigeria
Dr. Katwesige Wycliff
Department of Public HealthUniversity of Central Nicaragua-Uganda, Hongkong
Mr. Kemnele Kelechi
MPH in Health Promotion and EducationUniversity of Ibadan, Nigeria
Dr. Smarlo Browne
Master in Public HealthUniversity of Central Nicaragua, Nicaragua
Dr. Abass Abdul-Karim
Department of Public HealthZonal Public Health Laboratory, Ghana
Mr. Davis Don Mcleroy G. Gaviola
Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing ScienceCebu Doctors’ University, Philippines
Mr. Mwale James
Master Degree in Public HealthTexila American University, Hong Kong
Mr. Mathew. Mary
PhD in Public HealthTexila American University, Hong Kong
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sophonie Ndahayo
Department of Public HealthTexila American University, Zambia
Dr. Dricile Ratib
Department of Public HealthUniversity of Central Nicaragua, Nicaragua
Dr. Tomori Michael Olabode
Department of Public HealthCentral University of Nicaragua, Nicaragua
Dr. Lucy M. l. Zulu
Public Health PractitionerMinistry of Health in Zambia, Africa
Dr. Talkmore Maruta
Department of Public HealthTexila America university, Zimbabwe
Dr. Arju Chand Singh
Department of Gynaecologist/ ObstriticianShree Birendra Hospital, Nepal
Dr. Karuna Singh
Department of Food TechnologyAmity Institute of Food Technology, India
Dr. Naseh Pahlavani
Department of NutritionMashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Dr. Alejandro MartÃnez-RodrÃguez
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and BromatologyUniversity of Alicante, Spain
Dr. Mercedes Paiva
Department of NutritionUniversity Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dr. Faran Khan
Department of Food Science & Human NutritionUniversity of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Pakistan
Dr. Miami Kadhim Yousif
Department of PediatricsAlzahraa College of Medicine, University of Basrah, Iraq
Department of Food EngineeringEge University, Turkey
Dr. Hamed Ahari
Department of Food Science and TechnologyIslamic Azad University, Iran
Dr. Bengünur ÇORAPCI
Faculty of Fisheries, Department of seafood processing technologySinop University, Turkey
Dr. Boitumelo Stokie Motswagole
Research Scientist of Nutrition & Dietetics Department National Food Technology Research Centre, Kenya
Dr. Mohammad Saeed Jadgal
Department of Health Education and Health PromotionIranshahr University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Dr. Kathiravan Tamilselvan
Department of Food ScienceARC Group of Companies, India
Dr. Sugasini Dhavamani
Department of Biochemistry & NutritionTamil Nadu Agricultural University, India
Dr. Aparna Nangendra
'Senior Clinical DietitianBhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hospital, Banglore, India
Ms. Erika Fabiana Pastorino Viera
Master in Nutrition with emphasis on Clinical NutritionUniversity of Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay
Dr. Sury Pratap singh
Department of food scienceDr Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and forestry (Solan), India
Dr. Molla Kahssay Hiluf
Department of Public HealthCollege of medical and Health Sciences, Ethiopia
Dr. Emad Shaker
Department of Agricultural BiochemistryMinia University, Egypt
Dr. Md Monoarul Haque
Department of Public HealthFareast International University, Bangladesh
Dr. Christopher R Bryant
Department of GeographyUniversity of Montréal, Canada
Dr. Teodora Emilia Coldea
Department of Food EngineeringUniversity of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Dr. Gulzar Nayik
Department of Food Science & TechnologyGovt Degree College, India
Dr. Hussein Azzaz Murad
Department of Dairy ScienceNational Research Center, Egypt
Dr Kouakou Egnon K. Vivien
Laboratory of Nutrition and Pharmacology, UFR Biosciences, Côte d’Ivoire University/OrganizationUniversité Felix HouphouetBoigny (UFHB), Côte d’Ivoire.
Dr. Mohamed Maarouf Ali Zeinhom
Department of Food Hygiene and ControlBeni-Suef University, Egypt
Mr. Derangula Lokesh
Department of community medicine JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, India
Dr. Sergio DÃez RodrÃguez
Department of Sports NutritionNutretede10, Spain
Dr. Priscilla Nunes
Department of Nutrition/DieteticsAnhanguera College of Anápolis, Ireland
Dr. Sonia Alexandra da Silva Chili Fialho
Occupational Hygiene and SafetyLisbon School of Health Technology, Portuguese
Dr. Marina Legkou
Dietitian-Nutritionist, UK
Mrs. Ebenezer Quandoh
Department of Food Science and TechnologyKwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
Dr. Abdullateef Taiye Mustapha
Department of Food Science and EngineeringJiangsu University, China
Ms. Lucile Simon
Department of Clinical and Public Health NutritionUniversity College London,
Dr. Nkengafac Nyiawung Fobellah
Department of Health SciencesSt Monica University Institute, Cameroon
Dr. Marta Pérez Doménech
Department of Endocrinology and NutritionUniversity of Valencia, Spain
Ms. Benedita Morgado
Department of Nutrition SciencesLusófona Lisbon University Technologies Sciences School, Portugal
Dr. Petrova Nataliya Gurievna
Department of Public HealthLeningrad Medical Institute, Russia
Mrs. Jaime López-Seoane Puente
Sports NutritionistPolytechnic University of Madrid, Spain
Dr. Fatih Tarlak
Department of Nutrition and DieteticsIstanbul Gedik University, Turkey
Dr. Glória Alberto Manhique
Department of Food Science and TechnologyFood Science and Technology Institute - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul , Brazil
Dr. Ahmed Albandary
Department of Food Science and Environmental HealthDublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Dr. Sónia Alexandra da Silva Pimentão Fialho
Dietetics and Nutrition DepartmentESTeSC-Coimbra Health School, Portugal
Ms. Peeyushi Verma
Department of Nutrition & Food ScienceUniversity of Reading, UK
Dr. Boshra Varastegani
Department of Food Science and NutritionUniversity Sains Malaysia, Portugal
Dr. Renan Antunes Donadelli
Department of Grain ScienceKansas State University, USA
Dr. Ehsan Moghddas Kia
Department of Food Science and Technology Maragheh University of Medical sciences, Iran
Dr. Alejandro Ãlvarez Satizabal
Food EngineerLa Tour S.A, Colombia
Dr. Didar Ucuncuoglu
Department of Food EngineeringCankiri Karatekin University, Turkey
Dr. Asmaa Abdulhamid
Food Technologist Institute of Food and Processing Industry, Russia
Ms. Cherry Mae Villacorta
Department of Agro-Bioresource ScienceUniversity of Tsukuba, Japan
Dr. Ebenezer Aning-Dei
Department of Food Science and TechnologyKwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
Dr. Chijioke Emenike
Department of Plant, Food & Environmental SciencesDalhousie University, Canada
Dr. A. Surendra Babu
Department of Food ScienceIndian Institute of Food Processing Technology, India
Dr. Poonam Singhal
Department of NutritionSt. Ann’s college of women, India
Dr. Qing Jin
Department of Food Science and TechnologyVirginia Tech, Virginia
Dr. Victor Ouma
Department of Medical Education/ NutritionKenya Medical Training College, Nairobi Campus, Kenya
Dr. Zhixia Chen
Department of Food ScienceThe University of Auckland, New Zealand
Mr. Kostas Koutoulogenis
Nutritionist & DieticianHarokopio University of Athens, Greece
Dr. Ayse Gunes-Bayir
Department of Nutrition and DieteticsBezmialem Vakif University, Istanbul, Turkey
Dr. Daniel Nour Mantas Nakhai
Department of NutritionNutritionist In Seville, Spain
Dr. Venkatesan Perumal
Department of Biomedical EngineeringNew Jersey Institute of Technology, New Jersey
Dr. Ramazan Mert Atan
Department of Nutrition and DieteticsUniversity of Bandırma Onyedi Eylül, Turkey
Dr. Alona Antoniv
Department of the Internal Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology and Occupational DiseasesHigher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine "Bukovinian State Medical University" [ 01/09/2018 – Current ], Ukraine
Dr. Daniela RamÃrez Montoya
Dietitian nutritionistUniversity of Antioquia, Colombia
Dr. Subhadra Mandalika
Department of Foods, Nutrition & DieteticsCollege of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan, Mumbai, India
Dr. Wael Fathi Mohamed Elkot
Dairy Science and Technology Department Aswan University, Egypt
Dr. Baher Abdel Khalek Mahmoud Effat
Department of Food and Dairy TechnologyNational Research Centre, Egypt
Dr. Aurica Chirsanova
Department of Food and NutritionTechnical University of Moldova, Moldova
Dr. Aura Darabã
Department of Food ScienceUniversity “Dunărea de Jos†of Galaţi, Romania
Dr. João Carlos da Silva Dias
Department of Horticulture and Crop ProductionUniversity of Lisbon, Portugal
Dr. Emine Koçyiğit
Department of Nutrition and DieteticsGazi University, Turkey
Dr. Saodat Dusmuratova
Department Vegetable GrowingTashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan
Dr. Åžule Inci
Department of BiologyFırat University, Turkey
Dr. Simran Kaur Arora
Department of Food Science & TechnologyG.B.P.University of Agriculture & Technology, Uttarakhand, India
Dr. Daniela Belichovska
Department of Animal ScienceSs. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonian
Dr. Villamil Galindo Johan Esteban
Department of Food Science and TechnologyNational University of the Coast - Institute of Food Technology. Santa Fe, Argentina
Dr. Guler Yenice
Department of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional DiseasesAtaturk University, Erzurum, Turkey
Dr. Leticia E Bartolomé del Pino
Department of Health ScienceValencian International University, Spain
Dr. Seda OÄŸur
Department of Nutrition and DieteticBitlis Eren University, Bitlis, Turkey
Mr. Tore C. Næss
Department of Applied StrengthTeaching in Sports and Health Science, Norway
Mr. Stephen Adusei
Department of Value AdditionCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research, Ghana
Dr. Yahia Mahmud
Department of Fisheries ScienceBangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Bangladesh
Dr. Chinaza Godswill Awuchi
Department of Natural and Applied SciencesKampala International University, Kampala, Uganda
Dr. Mohsen Akbari
Department of NutritionRazi University, Iran
Dr. Adindu Linus-Chibuezeh
Department of Food Science and TechnologyMichael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State , NIgeria
Dr. Shankaranarayanan Jeyakodi
Department of Nutraceutical ResearchZeusHygia LifeSciences Pvt Ltd, India
Dr. Jagruti Jankar
Department of Food TechnologyMIT ADT University, Kolhapur, India
Dr. Jadala Shankaraswamy
Department of Fruit ScienceSri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, India
Dr. Muresan Andruta
Department of Food Science and TechnologyUniversity of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj- Napoca, Romania
Dr. Baher Abdel Khalek Mahmoud Effat
Department of Food and Dairy TechnologyNational Research Centre, El Buhouth St., Dokki, Egypt
Dr. Rafeeya Shams
Department of Food Science and TechnologySher-e Kashmir University of Agriculture Science and Technology- Jammu, India
Dr. Mudasir Ahmad Malik
Department of Food Processing TechnologyGhani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering and Technology; Malda; West Bengal , India
Dr. Neela Satheesh
Department of Food Nutrition and DieteticsSri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha, India
Dr. Rania Ebrahem Ahmed El gammal
Department of Food IndustriesMansoura University, Egypt
Dr. Preeti Dixit
Department of Foods & NutritionPSS Central Institute of Vocational Education, NCERT, India
Dr. Adel Mahmoud Mohamed Kholif
Department of Dairy BiotechnologyNational Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
Dr. Salimeh Hajiahmadi
Department of Health Sciences in NutritionShahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences University, Iran
Dr. Tahiya Qadri
Department of Food Science and TechnologySKUAST-K, India
Mr. Birtukan Gizachew Ayal
Department of Public Health in Nutrition specialtyWoldia University, Ethiopia
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dwivedi
Department of Food EngineeringNutrelis Agro Foods, Noida, India
Dr. Arshied Manzoor
Department of BioengineeringIntegral University, Lucknow, India
Dr. Raghu Hirikyathanahalli Vishweswaraiah
Department of Dairy MicrobiologyICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, India
Dr. Anuruddha Abayarathne
Department of Food Science & TechnologyDepartment of Food Science & Technology, Sri Lanka
Dr. P. Gurumoorthi
Department of Food Process EngineeringSRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai , India
Asst. Prof. Azam
Department of BiostatisticsShahid Beheshti Medical University, Iran
Dr. R. Sasikumar
Department of Food Technology North-Eastern Hill University, India
Dr. Hemanta Chutia
Department of Food TechnologyRoyal School of Bio-Sciences, The Assam Royal Global University, Betkuchi, Guwahati, Assam, India
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sumit Kumar
Department of Food TechnologyJAIN (Deemed to be University), India
Mr. Md Mahfuzur Rahman
Department of Nutrition and Food ScienceUniversity of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, Oklahoma
Dr. Abhisek Karn
Department of Food Science and TechnologyChinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China
Dr. Vasanth Kumar Bhaskara
Department of BiochemistryM.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Bengaluru, India
Dr. Amit Singh Vishen
Teaching Cum Research Associate (TRA); Department of Veterinary AnatomyRani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi, U.P, India
Mr. Shubham Jain
Department of Fruit ScienceANDUAT, Ayodhaya, India
Dr. Deepali sharma
Department of Nutrition & DieteticsShree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University, Gurugram, Haryana, India
Dr. Hadi Abdollahzad
Department of NutritionSchool of Medicine, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran
Ms. Priyanka Barman
Department of Food Science & NutritionUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru, India
Dr. Rupali Dhara Mitra
Department of Food and NutritionSchool of Allied Health Sciences, Swami Vivekananda University, West Bengal, India
Dr. D.H. Udana Eranda
Department of Agricultural and Food TechnologyWalailak University, Thailand
Dr. Nasiruddin Khan
Department of Health SciencesA’Sharqiyah University, Sultanate of Oman, Oman
Dr. Tasneem Ahmed Ibrahim Ali
Department of Nutrition and dieteticsAhfad University for Women, Sudan
Dr. Heba H. Salama
Dairy DepartmentNational Research Centre, Egypt
By far the most professional people I had the honour to work with. They care for the Doctors and make sure that they build good communication between them and the Doctors. They are pleasant, professional and I hope the best for this publication, because honestly, I have worked with several publications before, and ACTA are the only ones who make sure you are comfortable with the work ethics and make sure your articles are well published! This is a great organization through and through, and if I faced any difficulties, they make sure I get a smooth round off. Honoured to have had the pleasure working and collaborating with all of you!
Good work experience.
Miss Sadhana Singh is really good at her work and very helpful towards queries!
It was a pleasure working with acts!
Thank you.:)
REVIEW. My opinion on the publication service. I have acquainted with the scientific publications of the Journal of Acta Scientific Microbiology and came to the conclusion: the articles are diverse, cover the latest achievements in the fields of Microbiology (especially medical), virology of immunology, bacteriology, ecology and their interaction with man and the environment. I liked their depth of research. I am pleased to publish my work in this journal, although I publish it in other journals. In this journal, scientists receive Certificates for their work. Sincerely yours Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Valentina Divocha
Very professional organization, always on time and follow up quickly. I was so bussy with work but they were so patient and very cooperative.
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Nice journal and very cooperative and friendly publication team.
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Bright future is expected for the AS Nutritional Health Journal. It is publish strong Scholarly Articles featuring current research in Nutritional Health.
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Very professional organization, always on time and follow up quickly. I was so bussy with work but they were so patient and very cooperative.
A wonderful experience with Acta Scientific Publications so far, both as reviewer and author. Journals provide a fast review and publication process.
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This publication house provides a variety and good quality of journals to the research community.
Publishes a variety of medical science journals .freely accessible to all..
Really an excellent platform for research and thoughts exchange.
It was a good experience to publish with you!
The publication process in Acta Scientific is very active. The review process is fast enough. My experience with the journal Acta Scientific Agriculture is quite impressive. The best thing I have experienced that, the responses from Senior Managing Editor is very quick and co-operative. I liked it very much and wish this journal can grow to a high level in future.
Friendly publication with earlier decision and acceptance of the manuscripts.
I have very good experience with Acta Scientific Publications with all its branches like pediatric, neuro etc.They are prompt in their communication and reasonable in charges.
A remarkable journal, open to all, a very professional and competent team. I wish this magazine every success and I congratulate all the members for the good work they are doing and especially Ms. Sadhana Singh.
I am Dr.Ravichandran, Associate Professor in Chemistry from Lovely Professional University. At the outset I express my sincere thanks and gratitude to Acta Scientific Publications for having given me the honor to be the Editorial Board member. They publish only scientific research papers/ articles with valuable and innovative information in recent and emerging fields. I appreciate their continuous services which are highly organized, commendable and professional. I am highly recommending this AS publications to all the active researchers to send their research findings for peer review and visible publication. I am very eagerly looking for a long term association with AS Publishers.
AS Veterinary Science Journal is very useful journal for progressive farmers, students, faculty, scientist and other stakeholders as this journal regularly publishes research article, popular article and review article on Veterinary Sciences and Animal Sciences. Rating would be 4.75 out of 5.00. So, I wish all the best for this journal and the publisher for rendering great service in the field of veterinary science and animal husbandry for the nation.
Acta Scientific is a good platform for publishing and referring the articles. Had good experience in working with experienced keen reviewer team, they quickly responded the queries. Helping in each and every aspect for publishing the article. Highly recommended.
The quality of processing and submission of articles in the journal is very high! You are great! Great job! I really liked it!!! Thank you so much for the work you have done! I am ready to continue cooperation with you! Please tell me where on the site (in which section) you should post my review of the work you have done.
An excellent journal in which only highly informative scientific articles are carefully selected and published, allowing you to receive new valuable information on many diseases. Fast, well-coordinated work of the editorial board leaves only good impressions. Thank you for the appreciation of my article and the opportunity to become a member of the editorial board.
Excellent open-access, peer reviewed journal (Acta Scientific Orthopaedics). Quick and professional manuscript processing, interesting articles, great communication with authors.
Acta Scientific is an internationally progressive publishing group with active and leading staff that collects original articles. The publications of Acta Scientific are dedicated to unsolvable problems that have global interests and inspire scientists to bring the knowledge. Editors of the Acta Scientific work purposefully and insistently with the aim to publish articles of advanced science. The contents of journals attract the vast circle of inquisitive readers and challenge discussions where indifferent are out.
Excellent peer reviewed international indexed journal for publishing one's own research work. My work was published in toto and without any alterations and within 1 to 2 months. I got regular feedback and update about the position of my papers both by email and by WhatsApp messages. I recommend this journal ASPE for publishing research work in paediatrics and paediatric sub-specialities.
Acta Scientific Publication provides excellent platform for the researchers. The dedicated team corrects our errors with keen reviews. Their communication is very supportive and provide decent time for correction. No doubt it's the most emerging publication house in recent times.
AS Microbiology Journal reflect the power of research and the Quality of the Journal. Thanks to Chief Editor and other Editors, Reviews and other staffs.
An excellent journal that publishes new data on various medical problems. Thank you for the prompt and well-coordinated work of the editorial board.
It is an amazing platform to publish and refer articles and recent research information. Had a good experience working with Acta Scientific Publications. Highly recommended!!
Its really good platform for publishing your article at international level. They quick responsive and ratings of the journal are going high with unique and quality publications.
It is a privilege having some studies published in the magazine. I hope to send further papers soon. The journal consistently offers good quality papers and keeps improving. Relationship with the editorial board is amicable and informative. It is part of the Acta Scientific International Open Library initiative and offers democratic availability both to authors and readers. As a member of the peer-reviewing board of the magazine, I am also a testimony to the quality of papers and peer-reviewing. Relationship and communication with all editorial personal were always cordial, ethical, and friendly. All relevant information to authors and readers is available on the magazine's website for immediate consultation and the editorial bodies at immediate reach. The website and the companion journals are well programmed and visually attractive. It is an honour to be connected to a magazine that offers such moral standards. Always keep up the good work!
As a researcher, and founder of Haqua Revitalize Therapy (HART), also coined , Haquapathy ; Haquapathic Medicine (HAM), and President & CEO of Haqua Wellness, Virginia, USA; I had the honour to be an editorial board member of the ACTA Scientific Neurology since February 2019, until present time. I published series of articles with the said journal. Since then, all their services are highly professional, accurate, fast, and well organised. I strongly encourage any researchers not to hesitate sending their articles for peer review and publication with ACTA Scientific.
It seems to be an excellent option to publish and consult articles and information, it is an International research journal that Publishes articles on Multidisciplinary fields, it has double-blind peer review, it also has eminent reviewers and an editorial committee committed to its work and research.
Thank you for your professional and solution-oriented approach. I hope to work with you again on future projects.
Acta Scientific is an International platform for publication of your valuable research. Acta scientific plays its role in publishing unique articles with an accentuation on most recent exploration discoveries. Acta Scientific tries to bring famous researched data across the globe into light and plans to construct an effective platform. Acta scientific team is very fast, co-operative and well oriented. I’m honoured to be a part of this international and well reputed oragnization.
This is a high quality journal and it is my honor to be working with such professional people.
Acta Scientific is an upcoming journal with a good team. I have had the best experience as a reviewer so far. Journal provides a fast review and publication process and recommend every medical professional to use this service.
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