Ab Initio Whole Cell Kinetic Model of Stutzerimonas balearica DSM 6083 (pbmKZJ23)
Zhao Jie Kwan1,2, Waylen Teo1,2, Aaron KY Lum1,2, Shaunnessy MH Ng1,2 and Maurice HT Ling1-3*
1School of Life Sciences, Management Development Institute of Singapore, Singapore
2Department of Applied Sciences, Northumbria University, United Kingdom
3HOHY PTE LTD, Singapore
*Corresponding Author: Maurice HT Ling, School of Life Sciences, Management Development Institute of Singapore, Singapore.
January 02, 2024; Published: January 09, 2024
Stutzerimonas balearica (formerly, known as Pseudomonas balearica) is an environmentally tolerant bacterium with denitrification and bioremediation capabilities. Hence, it has been studied for industrial applications; such as, high-value chemical production using metabolic engineering or synthetic biology approaches. Mathematical modelling has the potential to predict biological phenotypes under metabolic perturbations, which can be used to guide engineering approaches. However, there is no mathematical model of S. balearica to-date. In this study, we present a whole cell simulatable kinetic model of S. balearica DSM 6083, pbmKZJ23, constructed using ab initio approach by identifying enzymes from its published genome. The resulting model consists of 737 metabolites, 533 enzymes, and 802 reactions; which can be a baseline model for incorporating other cellular and growth processes, or as a system to examine cellular resource allocations necessary for engineering.
Keywords: Stutzerimonas balearica; Pseudomonas balearica; ab initio
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