Acta Scientific Microbiology (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Review Article Volume 6 Issue 3

A Short Review of Gold-Alkane Thiolate Nanoclusters: Functionalizations, Properties, and Biomedical Applications

Tatenda Justice Gunda1*, Bachir Yaou Balarabe1 and Irédon Adjama2

1School of Engineering and Technology, National Forensic Sciences University, India

2School of Pharmacy, National Forensic Sciences University, India

*Corresponding Author: Tatenda Justice Gunda, School of Engineering and Technology, National Forensic Sciences University, India.

Received: January 05, 2023; Published: February 10, 2023


A brand-new class of nanoclusters based on thiolates is emerging with fascinating properties as well as behavior (e.g. dispersibility, surface functionalization, color, etc.). Such nanoclusters can be defined as small nanoparticles with properties similar to those of molecules, and thus can be considered to bridge the gap between the nanoparticle and the atom by combining their properties. There are a number of applications where thiols can be used as protective ligands for the stabilization and functionalization of metal nanoparticles, such as silver and gold. Nanoclusters (NCs) have a core-shell structure where the core is made up of a few Metal Oxide (MO) atoms, but it's surrounded by M-thiolate molecules that form a shell(s) around the core in order to prevent particle aggregation. Therefore, thiolate molecules serve as capping agents on particle surfaces to prevent particle aggregation. As well as being used for drug delivery, alkane thiolate NCs can also be used for photobacterial activity, photodynamic therapy delivery of DNA plasmids into target cells, as well as for increasing magnetic resonance imaging through photodynamic therapy. It has also been found that gold nanoparticles can penetrate cells and are not toxic in any way whatsoever. In this paper, we discuss the use of alkane thiolate nanocluster functionalized-gold nanoparticles in biomedicine due to their excellent biocompatibility and attractive chemical and physical properties.

Keywords: Alkane Thiolate; Nanocluster; Functionalization; Toxicity; Imaging; Photobacterial; Antimicrobial; Cytotoxicity


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Citation: Tatenda Justice Gunda., et al. “A Short Review of Gold-Alkane Thiolate Nanoclusters: Functionalizations, Properties, and Biomedical Applications". Acta Scientific Microbiology 6.3 (2023): 46-54.


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