Acta Scientific Microbiology (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Review Article Volume 5 Issue 9

A Review on Detoxification and Bioremediation of Antimony by Bacterial Species

Adrija Banerjee, Syed Krittika Tabassum, Debarpan Debnath, Debraj Hazra and Rajat Pal*

Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata, India

*Corresponding Author: Rajat Pal, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata, India.

Received: June 06, 2022; Published: August 09, 2022


Rising pollution and heavy metal contamination is one of the most vital concerns across the globe. Presently, research on antimony pollution grabs the attention due to its application in industry. Heavy metal pollution and contamination needs proper regulation and monitoring. Hence, in this article we have encompassed the significant molecular mechanisms such as the operons and efflux transporters involved as well as biochemical processes like oxidation, reduction and biomethylation mediated by As and Sb resistant bacteria that considerably help in bioremediation. This article summarizes most of the common techniques employed by bacteria to combat Sb pollution.

Keywords: Bioremediation; Heavy Metal Resistance; Detoxification; Operon


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Citation: Rajat Pal., et al. “A Review on Detoxification and Bioremediation of Antimony by Bacterial Species". Acta Scientific Microbiology 5.9 (2022): 56-72.


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