Acta Scientific Microbiology (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 6

Road Tree Pollen Grains Sensation to Allergy and their Effects on the Immune System

Wafaa Kamal Taia1*, Ahmed A Zayed2, Abdelbasit M Asker3 and Salem AH Mohamed4

1Alexandria University, Faculty of Science, Botany and Microbiology Department, Alexandria, Egypt
2Alexandria University, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria, Egypt
3Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Benghazi University, Libya
4Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science Al-Khoms, El-Mergib University, Libya

*Corresponding Author: Wafaa Kamal Taia, Alexandria University, Faculty of Science, Botany and Microbiology Department, Alexandria, Egypt.

Received: April 19, 2022; Published:


Air pollution beside climatic conditions has severe effect on pollen grains collected from different plant species. Outdoor allergens are an important cause of allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis and asthma, especially pollen grains and fungal spores being the major outdoor allergens that induce symptoms in atopic patients. Specific airborne pollen grain types, especially those collected from anemophillous plants, trigger respiratory allergy symptoms in sensitive individuals and cause immunity disorders. This work aims to investigate the effect of eight road trees commonly planted in Alexandria city streets by analyzing the protein contents and some element contents as an allergy inducing particles. The pollen grains collected from the flowers of Bauhinia galpinii, B. variegata, Casia javanica, Parkinsonia aculeate, Peltophorum roxburghii, Delonix regii, Croton cotinifolia, and Jacaranda mimosifolia. The pollen grains have been obtained during the summer period of July till November 2019, acetolyzed and examined. Non-acetolyzed pollen grains have been prepared for SEM examination. Pollen grains have been smeared onto glass slides, stained and photographed for protein contents evaluations. X-ray analyses has been used in measuring the mineral contents. The results obtained revealed that allergic symptoms appeared in response to the density, dispersion, and protrusions. Our data indicated that many factors inducing allergic diseases can trigger the immune system as several environmental conditions and loss of biodiversity. This stimulant beside the exposure to submicronic particles may be causes the stimulation of the immune system and result in breath difficulty and asthmatic symptoms. Meanwhile, the high protein contents, C, S and K can induce breath disorders. These results discussed according to their effect on the immune system. From the present study Delonix regia and Parkinsonia aculeata are the most responsible road trees which stimulate the human immune system, as they have small size pollen grain and high contents of C, S and K.

Keywords Allergy; Immunology; Pollen Grains; Road Trees


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Citation: Wafaa Kamal Taia.,et al. “Road Tree Pollen Grains Sensation to Allergy and their Effects on the Immune System". Acta Scientific Microbiology 5.5 (2022): 00-00.


Copyright: © 2022 Wafaa Kamal Taia.,et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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