Acta Scientific Microbiology (ASMI) (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Case Review Volume 3 Issue 3

Mind the Gaps: Investigating Collective Health Aggression

Victor Lage de Araujo*

Laboratory Medicine, International Fellow, College of American Pathologist, MSC, Evidence-Based Healthcare (UCL), Brazil

*Corresponding Author:Victor Lage de Araújo, Laboratory Medicine, International Fellow, College of American Pathologist, MSC, Evidence-Based Healthcare (UCL), Brazil.

Received: January 27, 2020; Published: February 05, 2020



  Whenever one suspects some intoxication, infective epidemics or other collective health harm, it is paramount first to define and localise its source – especially if it is an event hitting big numbers of patients, with high severity and quick development of symptoms [23,24]. An outbreak investigation routine must be early established, with a comprising strategy and pragmatical objectives oriented towards precise diagnosis. Those will grant a realistic assessing of risks for the community, curative measures needed towards the ill and prevention directed to future cases.

  Healthcare professionals must have great attention towards novel aggressions to men's health and their clinical manifestations; a careful analysis of the available data is needed, in order to avoid being misled by some false assumption that may impair the accuracy of the diagnoses that might delay the needful curative and preventive courses directed towards the population [25].

  Since the determinants of emerging diseases and unusual behaviour of the known microorganisms and health-aggressive mediums and artefacts are multiple, epidemiologists must consider every item of evidence for each upsurge, including the ecology and environmental issues [1,2]. Some useful guide towards the determination of causality is the investigation of causality, along with simple mapping strategies and statistical instruments that begin with the use of simple statistics and methods.

  This paper reviews some of the measures to be taken in such cases, with particular emphasis on the actions related to healthcare professionals and the clinical laboratory.

Keywords: Health Aggression; Investigating Collective



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Citation: Victor Lage de Araujo. “Mind the Gaps: Investigating Collective Health Aggression". Acta Scientific Microbiology 3.3 (2020): 01-08.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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