Acta Scientific Microbiology (ASMI) (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Review Article Volume 3 Issue 1

Anti-cancer and Anti-microbial and Neurological Effects Using Wasp Venom Peptides Agent: Review

Mamdouh Ibrahim Nassar1* and Emad Mahmoud Elzayat2

1Faculty of Science, Entomology Department, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
2Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Zoology Department, Giza, Egypt

*Corresponding Author: Mamdouh Ibrahim Nassar, Faculty of Science, Entomology Department, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.

Received: December 06, 2019; Published: December 12, 2019



   Using of drugs have insufficient therapeutic effects on many diseases including cancer. The side effects derived from anti-tumor compounds are a result of their low specificity. Cancer is the major public burden all over the world. Anticancer drug developments from natural biological resources are ventured throughout the world. Many active principles produced by animals, plants and microorganisms have been employed in the development of new drugs to treat diseases such as great potential as anti-tumor agents. Wasp venoms are complex mixtures of pharmacologically and biochemically active components such as biogenic amines, peptides and proteins have been studied. Many researchers designed a new therapy based peptide binding of several amino acids from wasp venom for its potential use against breast cancer. This peptide has the ability to form pores in the cell plasma membrane, penetrate into the cell and finally, cause its death. Many bioactive substances were identified from wasp venom. These peptides showed anticancer, antimicrobial activities against bacteria and fungi. The present work reports the structural and functional characterization of the bioactive proteins and peptides in wasp venoms for cancer and microbial therapy.

Keywords: Cancer Therapy; Microbile; Wasp Venom; Mastoparan; Peptides



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Citation: Mamdouh Ibrahim Nassar and Emad Mahmoud Elzayat. “Anti-cancer and Anti-microbial and Neurological Effects Using Wasp Venom Peptides Agent: Review". Acta Scientific Microbiology 3.1 (2020): 97-102.


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