Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ASDS)(ISSN: 2581-4893)

Research Article Volume 7 Issue 2

Influence of Apical Patency Concept Upon Postoperative Pain Following Single Session Primary Root Canal Treatment in Molars with Pulpal Disease

Mostafa I Negm

Department of Endodontics (Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine), Zagazig University, Egypt

*Corresponding Author: Mostafa I Negm, Department of Endodontics (Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine), Zagazig University, Egypt.

Received: January 25, 2023; Published: February 06, 2023


This clinical investigation examined the effect of implementing the apical patency concept on postoperative pain following root canal treatment in a single session approach for molars with irreversible pulpal pathology and healthy periodontium. Thirty-two patients, ranging in age from 18 to 60 years, were divided into two groups: group I with implementation of the apical patency concept and group II without implementation of the apical patency concept. The primary end measure was postoperative pain, which was quantified using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) at four, six, twelve, twenty-four, and forty-eight hours after root canal procedure. Consumption of analgesics was a side effect. Pain alleviation occurred more rapidly in group I than in group II. The two groups did not differ statistically substantially in terms of analgesic pill intake (P-value = 0.654). Maintaining apical patency during a single session of root canal therapy is associated with decreased postoperative discomfort.

Keywords: Postoperative Pain; Single Session; Root Canal Treatment; Pulpal Diseases; Patency


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    Citation: Mostafa I Negm. “Influence of Apical Patency Concept Upon Postoperative Pain Following Single Session Primary Root Canal Treatment in Molars with Pulpal Disease".Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 7.3 (2023): 11-20.


    Copyright: © 2023 Mostafa I Negm. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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