Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893)

Case Report Volume 4 Issue 6

Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Area Tooth Removal Using Bioextractor® and Immediate Implant Placement with Provisionalization: Case Report


Sergio Charifker Ribeiro Martins1*, Leandro Lecio de Lima Souza2, Karen Christina Soares Tenório2, José Ricardo Mariano3 and Ricardo Alberto Heine4*

1Scientific Department, Postgraduate Degree in Implantology, Pernambuco Dental Association - SOEPE, Recife, Brazil
2Department of Implantology and Periodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Guarulhos - Guarulhos, SP, Brazil
3Department of Dentistry, Centro Universitário Unieuro, Brasilia, DF, Brazil
4Department of Implantology, Funorte - Faculdade Integradas Norte de Minas, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

*Corresponding Author: Sergio Charifker Ribeiro Martins, Scientific Department, Postgraduate Degree in Implantology, Pernambuco Dental Association - SOEPE, Recife, Brazil.

Received: April 20, 2020; Published: May 26, 2020



 The tooth removal promotes itself a chain of reaction, leading to bone remodeling and compression of the alveolar ridge. The technique used to extract can booth increase or decrease the amount of bone loss, even more when in the anterior area of the maxilla. It is known that incisions and flap elevation associate with the use of traumatic devices, as elevators creates microfractures and loss of blood supply in the buccal plate, in the other hand, minimal traumatic approaches, using vertical extractors device and flapless technique can maintain the ridge architecture. If the minimally invasive technique is also associate with bone grafts, filling the gap between implant and buccal plate with low rate bone substitute and sub epithelial connective tissue graft to improve the amount of peri-implant soft tissue, the probability to achieve excellent aesthetic result is high. This case report an atraumatic approach to remove a fractured tooth in the aesthetic zone, using a new device to anchor and pull, vertically, the root, without compromising the adjacent tissue. In order to decrease the morbidity of the treatment, immediate implant placement was done. The gap between the implant and buccal plate was filled with hidroxiapatite, and the soft tissue amount increased with a connective tissue graft removed from the palate. After 180 days, the prosthetic fase could be realized without complication or need of any surgical complement.

Keywords: Tooth Extraction; Minimally Invasive Procedures; Oral Surgical Procedures; Dental Implant; Bone Graft



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Citation: Sergio Charifker Ribeiro Martins., et al. “Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Area Tooth Removal Using Bioextractor® and Immediate Implant Placement with Provisionalization: Case Report”. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 4.6 (2020): 31-35.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.278

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