Acta Scientific Biotechnology (ASBT)

Research Article Volume 1 Issue 9

The Efficacy and Safety of Using Omega-3 Fatty Acid to Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer

Eshrag Baothman*

Department of Clinical Biochemistry, BMC, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding Author: Eshrag Baothman, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, BMC, Saudi Arabia.

Received: July 20, 2020; Published: August 19, 2020



Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids though our bodies cannot make them. The main source of Omega-3 fatty acids is fish especially Tuna, Salmon and Halibut species. Omega -3 fatty acids also play a vital role in the brain function. It is very important to have the right ratios of Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. This study has established that consumed in the right quantities fish oil supplements containing high levels of Omega-3 fats mainly DHA and EPA had a 30 percent reduced risk of developing breast cancer. However, this reduction in the risk seemed to be limited mainly to invasive ductal breast cancer, the most widespread type of the disease. The deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acids has always been underlying factor for different types of cancers. The aim of the project is to investigate and seek from many of the numerous studies that have linked Omega-3 supplementation with a decreased risk of invasive ductal breast cancer and it adds to growing research that have highlighted the health benefits of omega-3 fats. Omega -3 fats have been known to influence some genes responsible for the prevention of breast cancer. From this study it is evident Omega-3 fatty acids intake slowed the growth of cancer cells in some forms of cancer strains. On the other hand, the intake of high amounts of Omega-6 fatty acids is known to enhance tumor growth and metastasis. No doubt EPA and DHA, long-chain(n-3) PUFA mostly obtained from fish aid to restrain the propagation of breast tumors. Nevertheless, there have been safety concerns in the use of Omega 3 fatty acid intake therapy. Adult stem cells exist in various tissues of the body. They play a role in tissue growth, substitution and repair. Confirmation shows that breast stem cells are multi potent and can renew themselves. Countless groups have endorsed the cancer stem cell hypothesis from the hematopoietic system to hard cancers, where using in vitro culture techniques and in vivo transplant models have documented confirmation of cancer stem cells in prostate, brain, Prostate and breast cancers. In the report, we can deduce that cell surface makers such as CD44+/CD24- could be used for the enrichment of stem cells among women with non-recurrent breast cancer. However, current improvements in immunotherapy have aimed at breast cancer stem cells and this could eventually guide to more significant clinical remissions.

Keywords: Omega-3; Fatty Acids; Fish Oil; DHA; EPA and Breast Cancer



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Citation: Eshrag Baothman. “The Efficacy and Safety of Using Omega-3 Fatty Acid to Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer”. Acta Scientific Biotechnology 1.9 (2020): 00-00.


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