Acta Scientific Biotechnology(ASBT)

Editorial Volume 1 Issue 1

Gold Nanoparticles: Chemistry and Antimicrobial Potentials

Debajit Borah*

Department of Biotechnology, The Assam Royal Global University, India

*Corresponding Author: Debajit Borah, Department of Biotechnology, The Assam Royal Global University, India.

Received: December 30, 2019; Published: January 01, 2020


  Gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) are inert in nature just as metallic gold whose atomic weight is 79 kDa. Au NPs owing to its chemical, physical and optical properties with a rich history since ancient times and an intense future in the field of biological and chemical sciences quenching the solution for medicinal problems as catalyst, cell markers, drug delivery tools etc. [1].

   Gold nanoparticles appear in ruby red color due to a phenomenon called Surface Plasmon Resonance, which was first explained by Mie by solving Maxwell equations [2]. The surface plasmon resonance is due to the resonance of incoming light with the surface electrons of nanoparticles that reflects light at the visible spectrum of wavelength of around 520 nm. The surface plasmon resonance is not effective in nanoparticles of size less than 2 nm due to the quantum size effect [3]. Gold nanoparticles of different shapes such as spherical, oblong, rod etc., can be synthesized by altering the method of preparation and parameters. Concentrations of reagents, temperature, pH, pressure, time of reaction are some of the important parameters, which need to be controlled for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles [4].



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Citation: Debajit Borah. “Gold Nanoparticles: Chemistry and Antimicrobial Potentials".Acta Scientific Biotechnology 1.2 (2020): 01-02.


Acceptance rate36%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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