Root System Response of Selected Rabi Sorghum Genotypes to Varied Soil Moisture Regimes
Gangadasari Sravana Lakshmi1*, BN Aravind Kumar2, NG Hanamaratti1 and VS Kubsad1
1Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Karnataka, India
2Department of Genetics and Plant breeding College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Karnataka, India
*Corresponding Author: Gangadasari Sravana Lakshmi, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Karnataka, India.
May 02, 20222; Published: May 27, 2022
Drought is one of the abiotic stresses causing severe yield reduction in most rabi crops. Sorghum is called a camel crop for its tolerance to moisture stress conditions because of the morphophysiological mechanisms against water stress. One such mechanism is the developed and adaptable root system to moisture stress conditions. The root system serves as an interface between plant and soil and is of great significance as its role increases under moisture conditions. Despite all the mechanisms yield reduction under moisture stress is always there. To determine the amount of yield loss and the contribution of the root system modifications in withstanding the stress and yield reduction, a PVC column experiment was conducted in rabi 2019 consisting of five rabi sorghum genotypes (V1: M 35-1, V2: SPV2217, V3: CSV 29R, V4: CSH 15R and V5: Basavanapada) under three moisture regimes (M1: Well-watered conditions, M2: Moisture stress between 40-60 DAS and M3: Moisture stress between flowering and dough stage). Significant differences in root system responses were recorded among all the genotypes to the moisture stress at different stages of crop growth. When the moisture stress was imposed between 40 -60 DAS, SPV 2217 was more tolerant to drought at that stage of crop growth followed by M 35-1 with developed root system and modified root characteristics to the drought conditions like high RLD, R:S, SRL whereas Basavanapada was more susceptible to moisture stress at that stage which was the low yielding one among all the genotypes. Similarly when the moisture stress was imposed between the flowering and dough stage (M3) the performance of the root system of M 35-1 was better compared to other genotypes and CSV 29R was very susceptible to the post-flowering moisture stress. In the rabi sorghum growing areas with pre- flowering moisture stress, SPV 2217 and in the post-flowering moisture stress M 35-1 will be considered as drought tolerant and high yielding genotypes compared to other genotypes.
Keywords: Rabi Sorghum; Genotypes; Moisture Stress; Crop Growth Stages; Root Traits Modification; Drought Tolerance; Yield Response
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