Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG)(ISSN: 2581-365X)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 11

Diallel Studies and Heritability Estimates Using Hayman's Approach in Ocimum spp.

Smita Singh*

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow, India

*Corresponding Author: Smita Singh, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow, India.

Received: September 10, 2020; Published: October 21, 2020



  Diallel analysis of Hayman was performed removing reciprocal in basil, the experimental material consisted of morphological diverse genotypes and their 21 direct crosses i.e. F1 populations. The traits days-to-flowering (50%), plant height (cm), no of branches/plant, inflorescence length (cm), fresh herb yield (g)/plant, oil content (%), oil yield (g)/plant, days-to-maturity, methyl-chavicol content (%), linalool content (%), citral content (%), eugenol content (%) explored additive type of gene effects. t2 for all the characters are non-significance so its indicate validity of the hypothesis postulated by Hayman. Regression line for days-to-flowering (50%), days-to-maturity were below the origin showing the presence of over-dominance while for branches/plant, ocimene content, linalool content, camphor content and methyl-chavicol it was above the origin suggesting the presence of partial-dominance. Regression line for plant height, inflorescence length, fresh herb yield, oil content and oil yield were through the origin indicating the presence of complete-dominance. Narrow sense heritability estimates h^ 2(ns)% ranged from 7.9% (lowest) for inflorescence length to 59% (highest) for oil content. Genetic advance over mean ranged from 0.54 (days-to-maturity) to 53.11 (branches/plant).

Keywords: Diallel; Genetic Advance; Heritability; Ocimum



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Citation: Smita Singh. "Diallel Studies and Heritability Estimates Using Hayman's Approach in Ocimum spp.". Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.11 (2020): 16-22.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.014

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