Mohamed AE AbdelRahman1*, Natarajan A2, Srinivasamurthy CA3, Rajendra Hegde2 and SS Prakash3
1Researcher, Division of Environmental Studies and Land Use (DESLU), National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS), Egypt
2Principle Scientist, National Bureau for Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Indian Council of Agriculture Research, India
3Professor, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Department, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
*Corresponding Author: Mohamed AE AbdelRahman, Researcher, Division of Environmental Studies and Land Use (DESLU), National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS), Egypt.
Received: December 04, 2017; Published: December 30, 2017
Citation: Mohamed AE AbdelRahman., et al. “Assessment of Soil Quality by Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques; A Case study, Chamrajanagar District, Karnataka, India”. Acta Scientific Agriculture 2.1 (2018).
Assessments of Soil quality help in managing soil, using its functions optimally and preventing soil degradation by nourished future use. In this regard, an integrated approach involving soil physio-chemical analysis, geostatistical, Arc GIS model builder is used to generate soil quality map of Chamrajanagar District. From different landform features eighteen profile samples were collected and tested for EC, pH, BD, OM and the major, secondary and micronutrients. The result indicated that soils of Chamrajanagar District are varying from very low soil quality to very high soil quality this may be due to the large deviation in land and soil properties. The study also demonstrate the importance of GIS in building land resource data base of soil which is very much necessary for better monitoring of soil properties for optimal sustainable resources. There is a need to develop of spatial models to support regional environmental planning and management. Satellite remote sensing data and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) offer excellent tools for the assessment and the evaluation of environmental impacts. The study aims to identify the environmental impacts of rainfall activities on soil erosion. The study area is subject to heavy rainfall and increasing changes in land-use/land-cover that resulting from natural and human activities such as landslide, flash floods, and construction projects of houses and roads resulting from major environmental impacts. The resultant map shows that Soil erosion, salinity and sodicity hazards are serious problems in the study area and lead to reducing the soil quality and increasing the degradation of soil resources. Initial results show spots which high prone to environmental hazards and provide very useful information for decision making and policy planning with such problems. The results include a complete database and models that can be easily adjusted to different planning goals or regions.
Keywords: Arc GIS Model Builder; Chamrajanagar; Geostatistical; Soil Quality
Copyright: © 2018 Mohamed AE AbdelRahman., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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