Dr. Nandlal Choudhary (born, March 01, 1979), is a Plant Biochemist employed as Assistant Professor at Amity Institute of Virology and Immunology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh Noida. Dr. Choudhary graduated in agriculture from Mahatama Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri and after then joined the prestigious Indian Agricultural Research Institute from where he received his M.Sc and Ph.D in Biochemistry in the year 2003 and 2007, respectively. Dr. Choudhary has made research contributions towards the understanding of biochemical and molecular mechanism underlying biotic and abiotic stress responses in plants. During the Ph.D., he made efforts to understand the role of antiviral protein against plant viruses under the mentorship of renowned plant biochemist, Prof. M.L. Lodha. Then, he moved to Citrus Research and Education Center, University of Florida, USA in 2009 and worked as postdoctoral fellow in laboratory of Prof. Ronald Brlansky. Here, he worked about 5 year on genomics of exotic citrus viruses and developed specific serological and molecular diagnostics assays which were very crucial in devising the strategy for management of citrus viruses. Dr. Choudhary has developed monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against recombinant coat protein of Citrus leprosis viruses which is being utilized in surveying the citrus areas of Columbia, Panama, Mexico. He also reported two new citrus viruses, Citrus leprosis virus cytoplasmic type 2 and Citrus leprosis virus nuclear type. He has also developed the real-time PCR based molecular diagnostic method for devastating citrus pathogens viz. citrus greening bacteria and citrus leprosis virus. Since 2014, Dr. Choudhary’s research interest is focused on identification and characterization of viral suppressor proteins of citrus ringspot virus. Dr. Choudhary is life member of Indian Virological Society, Asian PGPR society of Sustainable Agriculture, International Society for Infectious Diseases and World Society of Virology.
Dr. Nandlal Choudhary Research interests are Diagnostics of Plant Viruses, Plant Virus genomics, Plant molecular biology