PhD student in Food, Nutrition and Health (Federal University of Bahia). Master in Food, Nutrition and Health (Federal University of Bahia). Specialist in Clinical Nutrition (Multiprofessional Residency in Health - 2015). Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition from the State University of Bahia (2011). Conducted a Professional Exchange Program in Clinical Nutrition at the University of Porto (Portugal), working in the areas of Endocrinology, Cardiology and Pulmonology at Hospital São João. Experience as a Clinical Nutritionist in a Multiprofessional Nutrition Therapy Team (EMTN) and performance in Homecare and home care focused on Enteral Nutritional Therapy (TNE). Experience in the treatment of morbid obesity in a hospital with a multidisciplinary team. In the moment, substitute professor of the Nutrition Course at the University of the State of Bahia (Clinical Nutrition area) and member of the Nutrition and Epidemiology Research Center at the School of Nutrition at the Federal University of Bahia (Area of cardiovascular risk factors in adolescents)
Risk factors and cardiovascular diseases; Pediatrics; Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis; Enteral Nutrition Therapy; Migraine.